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Kalkan Discussion => General Discussion => Topic started by: clooneyrooney on September 15, 2007, 12:44:06 AM

Post by: clooneyrooney on September 15, 2007, 12:44:06 AM
Hi all Kalkan Lovers

I am very lucky to be in Kalkan from 22nd Sept for 7 days and I know that Ramadan will be in it''s 2nd week when I am there. I was wondering if you any of you have got any tips of what to do (or what not to do) so as not to cause any offence to anyone during this important event in the Islamic calender?
I have read on some web sites that alcohol might not be served during this time and that the chewing of gum during day light hours is also thought of as offensive.

Any help or advice greatfully received.

Title: Re: RAMADAN
Post by: DRBD on September 15, 2007, 01:02:05 AM
You will not notice much difference, some people if you offer a drink or food to them may decline others may just take water, but at the end of the day at sun set you will find people sitting in groups to have their evening meal and enjoying.  Really down to the individual, but at the end of the period is a different matter, family gatherings celebrating and EATING & DRINKING
Title: Re: RAMADAN
Post by: Derya on September 16, 2007, 05:29:32 PM
There are some dıfferences durıng the Ramadan perıod,whıch ın Turkey is called Ramazan. Anybody who ıs observıng the Ramazan fast wıll not eat or drınk from sunrıse to sunset, whıch at thıs tıme of year ıs a very long perıod, over 13 hours each day.

Before sunrıse, the Ramazan drummer does hıs rounds to wake everyone so that they can eat breakfast. As thıs ıs very early, most of those who fast then try to get some extra sleep before gettıng up to start the day.

The fast ıs broken at ıftar, whıch at the moment ıs about 7.20 p.m. when famılıes and frıends get together for the Iftar meal. The Beledıye provıdes a free Iftar meal for poorer people and you can see large numbers queıng behınd the Beledıye for about an hour beforehand.

Nobody ın Kalkan would object to a foreıgner eatıng or drınkıng or chewıng gum durıng Ramazan. Alcohol ıs served as usual everywhere. 

You would not cause offense ıf you asked someone who ıs fastıng to have somethıng to eat or drınk but durıng thıs tıme, ıt ıs sımpler not to extend an ınvıtatıon.

Many people do not fast here but try to gıve up somethıng whıch requıres sacrıfıce, such as cıgarettes.

One word of warnıng, as the month progresses, nerves can be  a lıttle stretched and every evenıng, for about 30 mınutes prıor to ıftar avoıd drıvıng, the local drıvers, who have had no food or drınk for thırteen hours are crazy to get home for theır fırst meal and chaos reıgns on the roads.

Title: Re: RAMADAN
Post by: felicity on September 16, 2007, 05:48:44 PM
Hi Derya - interesting post and much as I thought - kalkan is a very liberal town - however I did have to have a chuckle to myself regarding the crazy driving as a result of nothing to eat all day - I guess their sugar levels must be at a very low ebb..!!  What''s their excuse the rest of the year then..!! LOL!!   ;D ;D ;D >:D
Title: Re: RAMADAN
Post by: Janey28 on September 17, 2007, 02:22:58 PM
When exactly does Ramadam finish up???

We are there from 5th - 15th October???
Title: Re: RAMADAN
Post by: DRBD on September 17, 2007, 03:17:51 PM
Think its the 14th Oct.
Title: Re: RAMADAN
Post by: kevincat99 on August 31, 2008, 05:29:53 PM

It is their religion and they are prepared to make sacrifices for it - if it were easy why bother  ?

Imagine other religions making similar sacrifices for fourty days - some people in the UK think that giving up chocolate for Lent is a big deal

Could you imagine them doing something similar to the Muslims?
Title: Re: RAMADAN
Post by: Queenie on August 31, 2008, 06:40:14 PM
Janey 28,

Ramazan will be finished by the time you get here. It lasts for a month and starts tonight!
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